The Nuclear Challenge.

Would God allow a nuclear war?
Join our devotional challenge until July 8.

A brutal war is raging in the Ukraine.

Thousands of innocent people are dying.

15+ million Ukrainians have fled.

Russia threatens to use nuclear weapons.

People are anxious and terrified.

Would God allow a nuclear war?

What does the Bible say about this topic?

Read with us for 8 days

From July 1 – 8, we do our devotions together and study how God deals with nations such as Russia and what will happen at the end. Would God allow a nuclear war?

Get your questions answered

Our theologians and Bible scholars are there to answer every question you have.¹ Write a direct message or ask them in the group chat.

Our new community platform

We’ve partnered up with Circle to give you engaging discussions, membership profiles, live streams, chat, direct messaging and so much more — all inclusive.

How it works

1. Join the event

We only allow 100 people to sign up for this special event. Purchase your ticket for $8 and secure your spot.

2. Read the Bible

You’ll get access to our platform and a daily study guide with Bible verses and commentaries. Take some time to read it and grow in faith.

3. Join the discussion

This is a hot topic. And we want to know your thoughts. Post your takeaways on the feed. Comment on what others have to say. Message them, watch our livestream and tell us what you think about it!

Discover forgotten
end-time prophecies

7 reasons to join.

• remind yourself that Jesus loves you

• get back to a consistent devotional routine

• get solid confirmation that God is in control

• learn how God deals with nations like Russia

• chat with others and get to know new people

• study powerful end-time prophecies for yourself

• get instant answers to your individual Bible questions

Only 2 spots left.


We’ll be starting on July 1 with our first study guide. Feel free to read in the morning. In the evening, we’ll meet up to talk about the topic. 

All you need is your Bible and your phone! You’ll get access to the platform / the app after buying your ticket.

They have two parts: a commentary at the beginning and then a Bible passage with study questions. We ask real, practical and challenging questions.

We’ll be studying Daniel 5 and take this story as a divine example of how God deals with nations. We’ll look at a vision in Ezekiel and then study what will actually happen at the end of time.

You’ll love our study guides because you can choose how much time you have each day. 0-10 minutes, 10-20 minutes, 20-30 minutes or more than 30 minutes — you choose!

If you don’t have a credit card, you can still buy a ticket by donating $8 to our ministry. All donors of June 2022 will automatically get a ticket for this devotional challenge. Just click here to donate and pay via PayPal!

Our promise:

You'll learn something new.

Our guarantee:

If you don't, we'll refund you.²

1. We have an Adventist professor for Old Testament studies in our small team. He might not be able to answer all questions at the same time. Please be patient if the answer gets delayed. We’re trying to answer all questions as quickly as possible.

2. In order to get the full refund, you have to purchase a ticket with your name before July 1, 12AM Eastern time and fill out a survey after the challenge ended. Only one refund per person. We trust that you are telling the complete truth at all times. If we perceive that you are using our money back guarantee in a fraudulent way, we have the right to withhold the refund.